
Anne wins prize for DPhil talk

Congratulations to Anne for being awarded a prize for her presentation at the Department of Biochemistry DPhil Symposium.

Hamish wins prize for DPhil talk

Congratulations to Hamish for being awarded a prize for his presentation at the Department of Biochemistry DPhil Symposium.

Conference – 40th FEBS Congress

Vincenzo recently won a travel grant to attendĀ the 15th FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum, joined with the 40th FEBS Congress in Berlin, where he was given the opportunity to present his work. Well done to Vincenzo!

Conference – Oxford Transcription Meeting 2015

Rob and other lab members attended the inaugural Oxford Transcription Meeting, at the Oxford Martin School here in Oxford. The meeting brought together groups studying chromatin and transcription from different deparments within the university.

Angelika is awarded EMBO Fellowship

Congratulations to Angelika for being awarded an EMBO fellowship to pursue her work in the lab. Her award is to investigate the different regulatory inputs for different classes of vertebrate gene promoters.

Well done Angelika!

Anca wins top CRUK Prize

Anca Farcas, former DPhil student in the lab, is the joint winner of Cancer Research UK (CRUK) 2014 Pontecorvo Prize.

The prize is awared to the CRUK-funded student who produced the best PhD thesis and made the most outstanding contribution to scientific knowledge in their field of research.

This a great recognition of all of Anca’s hard work in the lab. Congratulations Anca!